Elemental -
A Life Transforming Journey
Elemental is a profound 12 week journey with the elements of Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Ether to support your spiritual and personal growth. Each element has incredible teachings to offer. I will guide you every week in exploring each element whilst growing your soul awareness with MP3 elemental Journeys, written teachings and self development exercises, elemental medicine mantras as well as exploring practical ways to engage and connect with each element. These practices will become a way of life, as you transform and align with living elementally.
Join me as we journey through the elemental realms
Invoking the Elements, Gratitude and Visioning
AIR. Air teaches how to invoke the winds of change for your highest purest and best. Air teaches about the mind and the internal cloud layers and how to break through into wise mind. The access point for this experience is the breath. Working with Air to break through limitations of thinking and belief, and open into expansive realm of possibility and freedom.
WATER. Water brings the teachings of flow with our emotional body. Society shuts us down, makes feelings wrong and this energy becomes stuck within. When we were little children we were immediate with our emotional bodies, water helps us re-enter a flow state with our feelings.
Experiencing them as vital navigation systems that help us move in accordance with our Soul's desire. As we wash clean the inner stagnation and welcome the water element to flow through us, we open into a vast ocean of peace...trusting water to teach us the way of flow.
FIRE. Fire is the teacher of our passion, our creativity, our love and joy in life. When we are ignited, our life force is "on fire" with passion, inspiration and radiance, setting our hearts a-blaze with our own unique spark. Fire helps us remember that we are Divine, we are Love, we are meant to shine and be radiant with our beautiful soul, as the gifts we are meant to bring to the world are unleashed and welcomed with an unconditional fearless welcome.
EARTH. Earth is the foundation on which we walk. Earth is the provider of everything we eat, wear, and everything we build with... Earth is physical manifestation. Working with the Earth element helps us come into a vital alignment with our physical bodies. The Earth Element brings with her essential teachings around establishing healthy boundaries to protect our Sacred Space. Earth also brings with her the importance of Grounding our life-force, our bodies, our awareness, and grounding ourselves in the vibration of Being Present.
Earth is profoundly NOW...
ETHER. Ether the Mystery, the Oneness, the centre point of all the other elements. Ether is the Divine Alignment and Union of the Holy Father, Sacred Mother within. This place of Nectar is calling us home. It is Divinity itself and is alive within you and me. The teachings of Ether bring a sense of Awe & Wonder of all creation, all of life. It is the realm of synchronicities and intuition. Enter this realm and give yourself to Ether as you allow the will of God/Goddess to lead your heart into deeper and deeper sacred surrender.
Next steps. Once you are aligned with Nature's Elements as your teachers, there's an inevitable desire to grow even further. Next steps will show you possible pathways to explore for your continued soul's growth...