Your Medicine is your UNIQUE resonance, your frequency, your DIVINE SERVICE, your calling... that magical blend of the ‘work’ you do and the being you are.

We all know this feeling of being called to support this SHIFT to RAISE consciousness on our Sacred Planet Earth and alleviate and transform the suffering prevalent in our Human Family. And yet so many healers and soul service practitioners struggle with the marketing and business skills needed to ENHANCE and ACCELERATE their impact.

 MARKET YOUR MEDICINE is a spiritually aligned, conscious business journey to help you make a tangible, positive influence in your field.

We will support you in taking grounded, practical steps to conceive, define and develop your CONSCIOUS BUSINESS. And we will help you to break through unconscious obstacles & limiting beliefs about marketing that hinder your growth and ability to receive.


Your Medicine is your UNIQUE resonance, your frequency, your DIVINE SERVICE, your calling... that magical blend of the ‘work’ you do and the being you are.

We all know this feeling of being called to support this SHIFT to RAISE consciousness on our Sacred Planet Earth and alleviate and transform the suffering prevalent in our Human Family. And yet so many healers and soul service practitioners struggle with the marketing and business skills needed to ENHANCE and ACCELERATE their impact.

MARKET YOUR MEDICINE is a spiritually aligned, conscious business journey to help you make a tangible, positive influence in your field.

We will support you in taking grounded, practical steps to conceive, define and develop your CONSCIOUS BUSINESS. And we will help you to break through unconscious obstacles & limiting beliefs about marketing that hinder your growth and ability to receive.


This 6-month program is for those of you starting from scratch in developing your soul-led healing business. If you’re ready to lay the right foundations, learn and master the basics, and then build all the fundamental elements that are essential to support your growth - then register your interest below.

This is only going to work for you, if you're willing to COMMIT and ACTIVATE the steps we share, EMBRACE the inner shifts required, and SHOW UP in sacred alignment for the work.

YES, I'm Interested


Feeling focused, guided and supported as you move forward with clarity and ease to initiate a clear vision and cultivate the sacred incarnation of your healing brand and business.

How you’ll feel when your PRIMARY work IS your Divine Service... and this flows effortlessly with abundance & grace.

Being guilt-free as you grow your income, whilst truly helping people in your community, in the world, with your Calling, with your Medicine, with your Healing Arts.

The joy and positive impact on your life, your family, and your relationships when you’re fully aligned with your SOUL’S TRUE CALLING.

Being paid your true worth whilst emanating your highest alignment is like nothing else in life... The feeling of joy, contentment, connection, and belonging is OFF THE SCALE.

Feeling focused, guided and supported as you move forward with clarity and ease to initiate a clear vision and cultivate the sacred incarnation of your healing brand and business.

How you’ll feel when your PRIMARY work IS your Divine Service... and this flows effortlessly with abundance & grace.

Being guilt-free as you grow your income, whilst truly helping people in your community, in the world, with your Calling, with your Medicine, with your Healing Arts.

The joy and positive impact on your life, your family, and your relationships when you’re fully aligned with your SOUL’S TRUE CALLING.

Being paid your true worth whilst emanating your highest alignment is like nothing else in life... The feeling of joy, contentment, connection, and belonging is OFF THE SCALE.


So often, there is the belief that healing work won’t pay the bills and you shouldn’t be charging for it... This stunts the natural flow of abundance that is your birthright.


You don’t know where to start, feeling overwhelmed and struggling to get your head around all the elements of establishing your business and marketing your services. So nothing happens.


You perceive marketing as manipulative, and you feel uncomfortable being seen, making offers and knowing what to say or do to attract clients to your beautiful services. So you don’t show up.

If this sounds familiar, don’t worry, you’re not alone!

These inner obstacles are common. And this is why we've incorporated specific tools to SHIFT your perspectives and beliefs, as well as imple- ment the practical approaches you can take to support your alignment into the Truth of your Divine Service.


GOOD!... This means your EGO is recognising the truth and is feeling the threat of the shift into SOUL ALIGNMENT.


-  A 6 month container, working through 6 in-depth modules

-  Workbooks & practical resources to simplify each step

-  Empowering recorded visualisations to keep & come back to

-  Multiple clearly structured, pre-recorded lessons per module 

-  2 live Q&A / coaching calls per month on Zoom

-  All call recordings so you never miss anything

-  A VIBRANT community to share wins & ask questions

-  Additional Bonuses (TBC)

-  Coming in 2025

There will be limited places for the first cohort, so it's worth registering your interest now.

Monthly Payment Plan - ÂŁ185pm (x 6)

or ÂŁ 1110 upfront in Full


*We don't believe in giving discounts to people with the ability to pay in full. Everyone pays the same

Much more information to be shared very soon.

But if you’re ready to secure your place now, all you need to do is pay a deposit of £100 by clicking on the button below.

YES, I'm Interested



This wonderful journey is a collaboration between two experienced powerhouses of teaching, creativity and business prowess. Both with over 30 years experience in different fields, that cross over at this perfect point in their own personal evolution.

Hoppi Wimbush

Hoppi has been healing, teaching and transforming lives for nearly 3 decades, working with Nature, Creativity, Emotional Intelligence, Cellular Healing, Sacred Sound and Spiritual Counselling. She works 1:1, with couples and with groups

She founded The School of Natural Shaman- ism, is a founding member of the Lammas Ecovillage and the co-founder of the Lammas Earth Centre in Pembrokeshire, Wales.

Hoppi has a Post Graduate Diploma in the Therapeutic and Educational use of the Arts. She is an accredited Journey Practitioner and Certified Medical Associated Sound Healer. She is also a licenced Spiritual Health Mentor and Tutor for the Spiritual Companions Trust and abides by the IATE (Institute for Arts in Therapy & Education, Islington), the Spiritual Companions Trust, and College of Sound Healing code of ethics.

Liane Grimshaw

With a degree in design, Liane spent 30 years in the marketing industry fulfilling a variety of leadership roles, including founding and running her own content marketing agency for almost 10 years.

She led major projects with many established brands, advising them on branding, digital strategy, content and lead generation, overseeing skilled teams in the delivery of the resulting projects.

Having experienced a dramatic spiritual awakening in early 2022, Liane reorientated her direction in life, retraining and certifying as both a Jungian Coach and Master Energy Healer.

Liane is also the host and creator of the pod- cast Behind Our Eyes, where she interviews women about their spiritual awakenings and how it changed their lives.



This wonderful journey is a collaboration between two experienced powerhouses of teaching, creativity and business prowess. Both with over 30 years experience in different fields, that cross over at this perfect point in their own personal evolution.

Hoppi Wimbush

Liane Grimshaw

Hoppi has been healing, teaching and transforming lives for nearly 3 decades, working with Nature, Creativity, Emotional Intelligence, Cellular Healing, Sacred Sound and Spiritual Counselling. She works 1:1, with couples and with groups

She founded The School of Natural Shaman- ism, is a founding member of the Lammas Ecovillage and the co-founder of the Lammas Earth Centre in Pembrokeshire, Wales.

Hoppi has a Post Graduate Diploma in the Therapeutic and Educational use of the Arts. She is an accredited Journey Practitioner and Certified Medical Associated Sound Healer. She is also a licenced Spiritual Health Mentor and Tutor for the Spiritual Companions Trust and abides by the IATE (Institute for Arts in Therapy & Education, Islington), the Spiritual Companions Trust, and College of Sound Healing code of ethics.

With a degree in design, Liane spent 30 years in the marketing industry fulfilling a variety of leadership roles, including founding and running her own content marketing agency for almost 10 years.

She led major projects with many established brands, advising them on branding, digital strategy, content and lead generation, overseeing skilled teams in the delivery of the resulting projects.

Having experienced a dramatic spiritual awakening in early 2022, Liane reorientated her direction in life, retraining and certifying as both a Jungian Coach and Master Energy Healer.

Liane is also the host and creator of the pod- cast Behind Our Eyes, where she interviews women about their spiritual awakenings and how it changed their lives.

Having met on retreat in Spain, Hoppi and Liane have developed a strong bond based on common values and a deep desire to support healers get their work out into the world.


If you are feeling the call of what we are creating, NOW is the time to let us know you are interested. Places will be limited for the first cohort that will be joining us sometime in 2025.

But whether you want to join us when we start or for a later cohort, it is worth registering your interest now so that we can keep you informed about this specific journey over time.

All you need to do is click the button below, enter a few key details, and keep your eyes peeled for all the juicy information to come in the weeks and months ahead.

We're SO VERY EXCITED to be developing this incredibly important part of EMPOWERING YOU to step into your FULL soul alignment IN ABUNDANCE.

YES I'm Interested

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Sharing the ever-evolving relationship of our inner and outer worlds...
Where the Beauty of Nature resides.
Not weekly, not monthly, just when the flow arises, naturally!

Just pop in your details below and we will see you when the time comes.Â